The Net Zero Roadmap for Existing Buildings

Meeting regulations and guidance around carbon emissions is a far simpler undertaking with new building projects because everything can be measured from the embodied carbon during construction to projections on operational carbon. When we look at the built environment and retrospective measures, however, building a roadmap seems far more overwhelming. With a difficult economy and spiralling costs, it’s easy to see where the challenges for owners, investors, and asset managers are concerning prioritising sustainability and net zero within tight budgets.

The good news is there is always something that can be done, even with listed buildings that make progress towards lowering emissions. Before we look at how Cudd Bentley builds net-zero roadmaps for clients, let’s address why this is necessary.

Why is the U.K. targeting net zero?

The international community has agreed that to limit global warming to 1.5°C, greenhouse gas emissions must peak before 2025 and decline by almost 50% by 2030. These targets were set by the Paris Agreement adopted at COP21 in 2015. This agreement is a legally binding international treaty to limit global temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The UK’s legal target is therefore to achieve net zero by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement.

Decarbonising existing assets

In the UK, our existing buildings make up a significant chunk of current carbon emissions. Through sympathetic refurbishment and retrofitting, we have an opportunity to dramatically reduce carbon in the built environment. Many buildings in the UK have historical significance that we wish to retain, especially when it comes to listed buildings. It’s too simplistic to demolish a historic building and replace it with a new one as often this could result in greater carbon emissions. Reusing and examining the opportunities for existing assets can result in retaining heritage and positively impacting decarbonisation.

Building net zero roadmaps for clients

We can guide our clients with whole building solutions that consider not just refurbishing and retrofitting but also look at the activities and use of buildings to reduce carbon. Repairs and maintenance can often deliver a quick win for our clients and increase the lifespan of a building. Utilising data and modelling such as a life cycle assessment gives asset owners greater visibility on the true picture of carbon in the building. We can produce modelling and reporting that gives the costs of the following:

  • Maintenance
  • Demolition and re-use.
  • Retrofitting

Through net zero consultancy, we can build a road map of improvements that shows year-on-year what can be done and what it will achieve. This allows our clients to develop a strategy and route to carbon reduction that is realistic and achievable with a budget. For example, we may suggest replacing windows in one year and insulating in another year. We are fully aware of what an overwhelming task building a strategy can be, this is why we offer a full turnkey service that includes signposting suppliers and contractors capable of working sensitively on existing buildings.

The Cudd Bentley team is comprised of diverse specialities from mechanical, architectural, scientific, and environmental backgrounds enabling us to draw on a broad spectrum of experience. This means we can deliver decarbonisation through a sustainable and achievable roadmap for our clients.

Cudd Bentley About

Cudd Bentley Consulting is a leading independent engineering firm at the heart of building services since 1978.