UK net zero pilot standard launches

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The UK net zero carbon building standard was introduced in 2022, and Cudd Bentley Consulting welcomes the pilot version of this science-led initiative. It is a standard derived through the collaborative efforts of a group of professionals across the UK built environment industry. Engineers, scientists and architects have worked together to build this approach and launch a pilot version that will drive carbonisation and ensure the UK will meet the energy budget and limit temperature increases to 1.5° C.

Introduction of UK net zero carbon building standards

This is the culmination of the collective efforts from the UK-built environment over the last few years to meet ambitious zero targets. Collective expertise across several disciplines were all pulling towards the same overarching goal, the UK net zero carbon building standard is a way to ensure that everyone is working within the same framework to determine whether built assets are aligned with UK climate targets and meet at zero carbon. Upfront carbon limits – New works and Retrofit works – have been mentioned for different building categories which were not present in the previous guidance and separate targets are present for each years to achieve the ultimate goal by 2050.

Pilot launch will be a test

Utilising data and metrics, the limits within the standard will be science-led but some of the learning will take place with the launch and testing of the pilot version. The collaborators on this project have accepted that currently there are limitations and that we don’t yet have the methodologies or data available to set robust targets and limits. The pilot has therefore been launched with this knowledge and understanding that in future versions of the standard, some of the matrix might be changed or fail. This will only evolve through application, testing and further data.

This version contains the technical details on how a building should meet the Standards, including what limits and targets it needs to meet, the technical evidence required to demonstrate this and how it should be reported. These new benchmarks will be used to verify that a project conforms to the Standard. It will be tested and applied across buildings in a range of sectors:

How the Cudd Bentley team is involved

We welcome the pilot version and the Cudd Bentley sustainability team will be part of the professional teams across various disciplines who will be testing standards and contributing to the data. There is an opportunity for organisations to become verified as administrators so that input into finalising version one is carried out by the right organisations within the industry ensuring testing is meaningful, and data comes from the following areas:

  • Design
  • Construction
  • Practical completion
  • In use

Our sustainability team will be supporting our clients as we always have with data and reporting that gives them clarity and enables them to have a complete roadmap that takes them to the goals they want to achieve for their buildings. We will utilise the pilot version in the same way that we have worked with other methodologies such as BREEAM, LEED and WELL certifications.

We look forward to publishing findings and updates on this ambitious standard soon.

Home » News » UK net zero pilot standard launches
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Cudd Bentley Consulting is a leading independent engineering firm at the heart of building services since 1978.